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Voter Registration

You can register to vote in Salem and vote in any City of Salem, Massachusetts State, or Federal election as long as you are:

  • A Salem, MA resident
  • A United States Citizen
  • Eighteen years of age 
  • Are not currently incarcerated by reason of a felony conviction

Those wishing to register to vote may do so in the following ways:

  • Register in person - City Hall, 93 Washington Street, Salem, MA 01970 - proceed to Elections Office, Office #5 on the ground floor. 
  • Register by mail by picking up a voter registration form at the Sale Public Library or Salem Post office, filling it out, and sending it in the mail. 
  • At the Registry of Motor Vehicles - be sure to receive your acknowledgement receipt. 
  • Register online

Vote by Mail

In most elections in Massachusetts, you can choose whether you prefer to vote in person or by mail. You may do so HERE

You can apply online, by mail, or by email or fax. 


What is the voter registration deadline? 

You can register to vote 10 days before Election Day. For mail applications, these must be postmarked 10 days prior to Election Day. 

Does Massachusetts allow same-day voter registration on Election Day? 

No, Massachusetts does not allow same-day voter registration. 

What is the vote by mail deadline? 

All mail-in applications must reach your local election officials  by 5pm on the 5th business day before the election, regardless of when the application is postmarked. 

I am a newly naturalized U.S. Citizen. How do I register to vote? 

Once you have taken the Oath of Allegiance and received your Certificate of Naturalization, you must register to vote in person at your local election office for the first time. Do not register to vote prior to this, as this could affect your Citizenship application. 

I was convicted of a felony. Can I vote in Massachusetts? 

In Massachusetts your right to vote is only temporarily suspended while a person is incarcerated for a felony offense. Once you have been released from prison your voting rights are restored. This is not the case in every state however, and should you leave Massachusetts you should comply with that State's specific laws.  

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